Given EIBA goals to provide a favorable environment to junior scholars and Ph.D. candidates, we want to give a special emphasis to the interactive sessions and poster sessions.
Interactive sessions are primarily designed for shorter manuscripts (in research note formats, 15 pages maximum) in an earlier stage of development, which could benefit from friendly feedback from other participants. Interactive sessions are held in a roundtable discussion format with shorter presentations which allows for an engaging interaction with other researchers with similar interests and with the experienced session chair.
Interactive sessions require a delicate and important performance of the session chair as s/he needs to enliven and coordinate the session. The session chair is expected to lead the substantive debate and her/his guidance is essential to secure a beneficial participation to all authors.
Since chairing interactive sessions is such an important role, we need experienced scholars that will be able to stimulate authors and audience to discuss and bring about suggestions on how to refine the papers. Besides, the session chair has to be the time keeper and make sure that all authors are granted time equitably.
Poster sessions are designed to present research projects that are at an initial stage of development and which would benefit greatly from the feedback of more experienced scholars. There are no formal presentations at poster sessions; rather, these sessions take place during lunchtime, at an open space specially designed, when participants go around and informally discuss the ideas with the authors and offer their constructive suggestions.
Poster session chairs also play a crucial role. Each chair will be assigned to a limited number of posters, which shall be close to her/his areas of expertise. S/He will provide comments to authors during lunchtime, when posters will be on display for other participants to comment on and discuss as well.
Poster sessions chairs are performing a delicate task as they help participants to validate research projects.
For all the above reasons, only experienced scholars can assume the role of session chairs in interactive and poster sessions. We would appreciate if they could volunteer for these important duties.
To volunteer as interactive session chair, please send an e-mail to with the following information:
Subject: Volunteer as interactive session chair
First and last name:
Track in which you would like to chair a session:
Areas of expertise (optional):
Thank you very much!